Starter Packs: Everything You Need to Know

Sometimes referred to as starter kits, the starter pack meme has been circulating the internet for some time. A starter pack categorizes groups of people by displaying traits that pertain to them. These traits can be anything, ranging from clothing to quotations. 

Typical starter pack, which categorizes Caucasian individuals with wealthy parents


The origin of starter packs can be traced back to an actual product: a starter kit. Starter kits are a set of articles or equipment providing the essential items for taking up a particular activity for the first time. For example, a video gaming starter kit may contain the game console, controllers, and a video game. Clearly, we are able to see where the concept of a starter pack was drawn.

The notorious Juul Starter Kit, which includes everything you need to get a nicotine addiction (I can quit anytime I want, I just choose not to)

The first circulated image of a modern starter pack can be traced back to Twitter in 2014. The meme followed the typical Twitter format of a line of text with 3-4 images. It was a hit. Later that year, starter packs peaked on Twitter, as shown by Google Trends. Over 5.4 million Tweets regarding starter packs were shared on the week of November 14th!

Total search volume of “starter packs” on Google, peaking in 2014

Classic Examples


Of course, Twitter eventually got bored of the starter pack meme, which had spread to Instagram, Reddit, and various other social-media platforms. No longer constrained by 4 images on Twitter, the starter pack meme evolved. Each meme now consisted of more pictures. In addition, the items displayed in the starter pack strayed further from the typical traits displayed in earlier iterations. Creators were now using abstract images and concepts to make memes even funnier. Early versions of the meme were simple and purposely crafted to relate to the most amount of people possible (eg. “My dad will sue” starter pack). As time went on, specific subcultures picked the meme up, making the possibilities endless–albeit confusing to outsiders.


Though the total search volume peaked in 2014, the starter pack is still popular today. This can be attributed to one factor: the memes are relatable. How do memes go viral in the first place? People share them! The subject matter of starter packs are the perfect archetype for virality. Since there are many unique individuals with varying interests and traits, it is easy to find and share a starter pack that is relatable.

Being relatable works both in a negative and positive manner. Starter packs have become victim to the unkind nature of the internet. The primary objective of many starter packs have become derogatory, stereotyping groups of people instead of comically observing relatable traits. Though creating and sharing these starter packs may bring a false sense of superiority, they are often times racist or hurtful. However, when starter packs are done correctly, the effect can be the opposite. It is comical when we come across a starter pack that is synonymous with our personality traits. Imagine seeing a viral starter pack that perfectly describes yourself. Sharers of the meme belong to a community of people just like you! Likewise, imagine if somebody created a starter pack that could categorize a close friend of yours. It is humorous that somebody you do not know made a very specific meme that is relatable to you on a personal level. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of the starter pack you are sharing. Ask yourself: “Am I negatively stereotyping a certain demographic, or celebrating similarities between individuals?”

“Best class ever” starter pack

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