
My name is Han, and I am a second-year business student at McGill University. 

I was one of those kids in school that always wore shorts. I was obese growing up, so I struggled to find pants that fit my body. In every situation imaginable I was wearing shorts. Sun? Shorts. Rain? Shorts. Snow? Yes, even snow. 

Man climbs Everest in shorts (2012 AD, colourized)

Personally, fashion was always about finding clothes that fit. Fashion was never about looking good, or feeling confident. Instead, it was just a necessity, or even a tool to hide my body. So the question remains: What should fashion represent?

Cliche as it is, fashion is whatever you want it to be.

Fashion can be a means to feel confident, feel comfortable, or even to express oneself–even if you want the world to know that you just don’t care! Nowadays, I use clothing as a way to feel comfortable and confident with myself, no matter what weight class I belong to. My objective with this blog is to inspire others who are currently struggling with the issues that I once faced, and ultimately make every individual feel like they are walking down the runway!